by Editorial Team

The cradle of humanity, a country of contrasts and many religions, singing and dancing people – this is, perhaps, all that we know about India since childhood. It’s time to discover it for yourself!

If you think that a trip to India is far, long, and very expensive, we hasten to dissuade you. Since May 1, UIA launched a direct flight from Kyiv – to Delhi, India has become much closer and more accessible for us. Just 6.5 hours on a comfortable Boeing 767 and you are in the Indian capital. Get ready to be surprised!

City of contrasts

Yes, one cannot do without this common phrase when describing Delhi. The incredibly beautiful architecture here is adjacent to the gloomy slums, poverty, and devastation borders on luxury and modern skyscrapers. But the closer you get to know this amazing city, the more you will understand that this is precisely its special charm. And that the origins of the philosophy of life of the Hindus must be sought in the ancient history, religion, and culture of India.

For a deeper understanding of the Hindu worldview, head to the Gurdwara Bangla Sahib, the main Sikh temple in Delhi. Anyone can find shelter and food here – a public kitchen dining room, in which, by the way, people of different classes cook food on a voluntary basis, is open to absolutely everyone.

To touch the history of India, be sure to visit the grandiose Hindu temple complex Akshardham. It was built in the 2000s but in full accordance with ancient traditions. As part of the tour, you will have a fascinating boat trip through an artificial reservoir through 10 thousand years of Indian history that has come to life and initiation into sacred knowledge…

And in order to appreciate the greatness and power of the Mughal dynasty that ruled India for many centuries, set aside time to visit the famous Red Fort, created by Emperor Shah Jahan, the heir to the mighty Tamerlane, in the image of paradise from the Koran, as well as the highest minaret in the world, Kutb- Minar, built as a symbol of the victory and superiority of Islam over ancient Indian beliefs.

The story of eternal love

To visit India and not see the Taj Mahal is hard to imagine! The journey to Agra from Delhi on the Gatiman Express train takes about 4.5 hours, but this is nothing compared to the experience that you get from contemplating one of the true wonders of the world. Perhaps this is the most extravagant and majestic monument of human love.

The magnificent white marble mausoleum was built in the 17th century by the same emperor Shah Jehan for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth of the 14th child. According to legend, before her death, Mumtaz asked her husband never to marry again and build a tomb equal to their love. The emperor fulfilled her will. The legend says that Shah Ceyhan himself was so shocked by the beauty of the mausoleum that he ordered the architect’s hands to be cut off so that he could not repeat this masterpiece…

Indian Secrets

And yet the main thing that will amaze you in India is the Indians themselves. The first thing that catches your eye is the veneration of the white man. Be prepared for the locals to ask you to take a selfie with you. They have a belief that the lighter the skin, the nobler and richer the person, and a photo with a “sahib” (noble gentleman) will bring them good luck!

You will surely notice that the Indians are not very clean, but at the same time, they are not poisoned. They eat a lot of spicy, but for the most part, they are completely healthy. They do not follow the rules of the road, but somehow avoid large-scale accidents and do not show aggression. It seems that in this street chaos, noise, and crowd, when cars, motorcyclists, cycle rickshaws, pedestrians, cows simultaneously move in different directions, there is an incomprehensible order.

And the feeling of delight and surprise does not leave you. How?! How do they do it? To be calm and peaceful, not to rush anywhere and always smile, to consider India the best place in the world, not to grumble at fate, not to scold the government… Definitely, we have a lot to learn from the inhabitants of this beautiful and mysterious country!

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